Learn with the Indigenous Hospitality House Community

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Join the IHH community on our humble journey of learning what it means to live as non-Indigenous people on stolen land.

The IHH is an intentional community in North Carlton, Melbourne that creates spaces for non-Indigenous people to learn and grow together on this country's journey of racial justice and healing.

This can look like:

  • Attending our Learning Circle events where we meet to have curious and challenging conversations, listen to First Nations voices or watch documentaries together.

  • Coming over for dinner and sharing stories and learnings over a warm meal.

  • Connecting with like-minded people on this journey and attending important Indigenous events or programs together.

  • The learning idea that is just a seed in your mind right now and all you need is the water and sunlight that a community offers for it to grow!

The IHH also hosts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are in Melbourne for hospital business (click the "Serve" action to help out with this side of our work).

Email us: house@ihh.org.au


Melbourne Songlines Tour


Building community in the neighbourhood