Neighbourhood Collective Australia


Neighbourhood Collective Australia kindles stronger, resident-led communities where everyone belongs.

Our work at the Old Church on the Hill

Our work focuses on supporting the community space the Old Church on the Hill in Bendigo, Victoria. The Old Church is a vibrant, volunteer-run community space where over 30 community groups run a range of activities and initiatives including play groups, craft groups, youth groups, community meals, dance classes, the community pantry, the community garden, yoga sessions, the repair cafe, carpet bowls, English classes, community singing gatherings and much more.

Supporting community spaces and centres

In addition to our work in Bendigo, we support other community spaces and centres across Australia via workshops, training and consultancy. Our work is founded on Asset Based Community Development principles and we share the lessons learnt, innovation and solutions that have made the Old Church such as successful and vibrant community hub over the last eight years. Our training and consultancy work is generally fee for service, but occasionally we are able to offer pro bono support when we are funded by other sources (such as government grants).

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Volunteer on Outreach Bus


A faith community offering mentoring & support to young people & families